Subscribe and Train Anywhere

True Coach Platform

Hi! I’m Your Coach

Galina parfenov

My name is Galina and I am the founder of Parfenov Training. I have climbed and competed professionally since I was 13 years old and have climbed up to 8b. I have worked with hundreds of clients both remotely and in gyms in NYC and CT over the past decade and have had my own coaching business throughout that time. I am currently fully remote and have been traveling specifically for climbing for the past two years. Parfenov Training specializes in building individualized training programs for climbers of all ages and ability levels, with a focus on strength training and form analysis through video feedback.

How Our Coaching works?

Schedule a Call

True App Program Launch

Follow Up Consultation

Let’s Start Training!

What you can have...

Program Features

  • Custom Calendar
  • Messaging
  • Training Manual
  • Video Feedback
  • Zoom Lessons
  • True Coach App Access
Ready to get Started?

Who is it For? Climbers of all Levels

Program Packages

Climbing Programs

$95 Per Week
One Week

-100% custom programming based on preliminary questionnaire
-access to True Coach and Training Manual
-daily form feedback for climbing + training sessions based on client videos
-24/7 messaging
-for clients interested in trying the True Coach app

Total Price: $95
$280 Per Month
Monthly Subs

-monthly subscription through True Coach,
3 month minimum
-100% custom programming based on preliminary questionnaire + onboarding call
-access to True Coach and Training Manual
-programming updated at the end of each week to reflect workout results
-daily form feedback for climbing + training sessions based on client videos
-24/7 messaging with optional monthly calls
-for clients looking to build a client-coach relationship and improve their climbing in the long term

Total Price: $280
$75 Per Week
4 Weeks

-100% custom programming based on preliminary questionnaire + onboarding call
-access to True Coach and Training Manual
-programming updated at the end of each week to reflect workout results
-daily form feedback for climbing + training sessions based on client videos
-24/7 messaging
-for clients interested in long term training, but not yet ready to commit

Total Price: $300


Take Your Climbing to the next level!

Ready to get Started?

Blog & Resources

Help! I’m Stuck at 3 Pull-Ups

I recently had a former client reach out to me with a question regarding pull-up plateaus. She wrote: “I am

Help! I’m Stuck at 3 Pull-Ups

I recently had a former client reach out to me with a question regarding pull-up plateaus. She wrote: “I am

Secret Skincare Routine for Climbers

Have you ever had a climbing training session where you felt like you were floating up the wall (low gravity


Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t I need an in-person coach?

Nope. In fact online programming is more effective than weekly in-person sessions, as we can account for every training/climbing session rather than just one. The True Coach platform is particularly effective for working on lifting form and climbing technique, as it allows clients to input videos directly into their workout results and for us to give feedback within 1-2 days of the workout. As such, clients always know exactly what they need to focus on for each subsequent workout.

Can I train if I’m a new climber?

Absolutely! Everyone can benefit from training, whether you have been climbing for six months or 16 years. In fact, by starting to work with a coach earlier, you are saving yourself a lot of trouble down the line. We can optimize your programming to accommodate novice progression and give you a solid base when it comes to lifting form and climbing technique. It is much easier to build from scratch than to correct old habits. Conversely, if you are an experienced climber, you will require more complex programming that is generally beyond the scope of generic programs you will find online.

What if I don’t have regular gym access?

We have clients who live in their vans, mostly climb outside, or have busy work schedules where they can’t make it into the gym more than once a week. We work with what you got! That’s the whole point of custom programming, to accommodate the equipment you have access to as well as your lifestyle. You don’t need a fancy gym to make gains and you can do a lot with just a hangboard, pull-up bar, or yoga mat.

Can you accommodate a random work schedule?

Definitely. We have worked with many nurses and people with constantly changing shifts and schedules. We will adjust your calendar based on your schedule that week and make any last minute changes as needed. The point is to fit your program into your schedule, not to overhaul your schedule to fit your program.

How long are the workouts and how many times a week do I need to train?

That entirely depends on your availability. In general, climbing sessions range from 60 to 90 minutes and training sessions from 30 to 45 minutes. Climbing sessions tend to be more open, with a 10-minute technical warm-up followed by either a limit or volume session. Training sessions, which include lifting, calisthenics, hangboarding, and other climbing-specific exercises, are more structured in terms of volume, intensity, and rest intervals. The minimum recommended number of workouts per week is two, one of which can be an at-home workout.

How much time do I need to train to start seeing results?

It depends, but most clients start seeing results after 3-4 weeks of training. However, for a program to be effective and elicit long-term gains, it is recommended to adhere to the program for 3-4 months. At Parfenov Training we are looking to build multi-year relationships with our clients, and guide them through their journeys as climbers, athletes, and people. Training becomes more effective as the client-coach relationship grows, and the coach better understands the client’s motivations and preferences.

Can you work around injuries?

Most injuries, yes! We have had clients come to us with everything from ruptured ACLs to torn biceps and popped pulleys. As long as you have clearance from a physical therapist or doctor, we will get creative and adjust exercises to avoid using the injured area (and then progressively integrate it back in). If you have a prescribed PT routine, we will incorporate it into your training calendar. Current clients also have the option to speak to one of our sports medicine partners, if they are experiencing an ache or tweak. Our first goal is to not get you injured (and then to get you strong)!

What sets you apart from other online coaches?

Experience! Instagram coaching may be the new trend in climbing, however this is the world I have lived in for the past decade. I created the first viral training video on YouTube in 2013 and have dedicated myself to studying the techniques and science and helping others improve ever forward. I started taking in-person clients and working with youth teams in high school and college, and founded my coaching business shortly thereafter, working at many gyms across New York and Connecticut. I have worked exclusively in the climbing world since, both through my business and as a fitness manager, youth programs manager, and routesetter. I transitioned my business to fully remote in 2022, to accommodate traveling full time and to be able to reach a wide range of clients.

Do I have to lift weights? I’m worried I’m going to bulk up!

All of our clients have strength work incorporated into their programs, whether it is through weight training, calisthenics, or a combination of the two, depending on what equipment they have available. For more climbing-specific training we stick to lower rep ranges, which are more conducive to strength gains with minimal hypertrophy (muscle growth). If a client desires to increase muscle size, we incorporate hypertrophy work as well.

Is a diet plan included in training?

No, nutrition programming is not included– we prefer to leave that to professionals in that field! We have a network of colleagues we can refer clients to if they are seeking more specific advice or a diet plan.

Do you do free consultations?

Yes, your first call is free! We always want to be sure that this is a good fit for both client and coach. And once you are signed up for training, you can schedule a check-in call at any point, at no extra cost, in addition to 24/7 messaging access to the coach.

How do I receive my programming?

All programming is delivered through True Coach, a phone app designed specifically for coaches and personal trainers. True Coach integrates the client calendar, reference videos, messagings, and payments into one platform. Check out the info video on the Online Training page for a virtual walkthrough!

What is the difference between online training and zoom lessons?

Online training includes access to my coaching platform and custom weekly programming through the True Coach app, as well as feedback on those workouts. Zoom lessons are a one-on-one virtual lesson with instant feedback on climbing and lifting technique. These do not include weekly programming, aside from the day of the lesson. They are aimed at climbers with home gyms and are particularly effective for youth climbers younger than 18 years old.