Parfenov Training

Autoregulation & the RPE Scale

Keeping a Workout Journal

Autoregulation & the RPE Scale

Take a moment to familiarize yourself with Mike Tuchscherer’s RPE scale (following page).

RPE (rate of perceived exertion) is how hard something feels to you. It is a subjective measure of strength at a given time. While it is subjective, it is also quantifiable, and once you get a feel for both the scale and the exercises you are performing, you will fairly accurately be able to gauge your performance and utilize the scale to determine appropriate exercise intensity.

Autoregulation is adjusting your daily training based on RPE and how you feel that day. In other words, a 405# deadlift after a long day of work Monday will not necessarily feel the same as a 405# deadlift after a good night’s sleep and big breakfast on Sunday. As such, we need to be somewhat flexible with our training and adjust for life variables that are not always within our control.